Saturday, 23 February 2013

Into The Winter.

 Hemlock Bluff Trail, Algonquin, Canada. 
 Morning Light On The Trail. 
 Heaven Within Four Canvas Walls. 
A Frozen Mew Lake. 

Over the Family Day weekend my Husband and I ventured into Algonquin Park for my first Winter camping experience.  We camped in our new canvas tent and inside warming us was a wood burning stove.  The temperature danced around -31 all weekend, however the sun shone bright the entire time which made the deep cold seem like a pleasant contrast.  

This trip was full of misadventure and fun as we learned how to properly use our equipment and work together as a team in frozen conditions!  As always I truly believe that it is in the moments of discomfort, struggle and exhaustion that we push ourselves to limits worth reaching.  The most enjoyable part of this Winter camping trip for me was being uncomfortable, wanting to give up and not doing so.  Choosing to find the will to push myself despite my discomfort is an experience I would gladly take over a perfect Summer's day on the beach.  Thank you Canada for this perfect Season.